Friday, September 19, 2008

The pain of missing

Gazala Hassan
The pain of missing perhaps is the only pain which medicines can't cure, doctors can't diagnose, words can't say and intellect fails before it. Perhaps the real testing times for you.I wonder if there is any commonness in how people perceive the pain of missing, how they define it for themselves and how they suffer in the hands of this pain. You may deal with it miserably, silently, blissfully, overtly, covertly or whatever, but agonizingly.
The seconds seem to be quite long and slowly these prolonged time slots find their place in your routine. We try and apply new remedies for this sweet sorrow of missing knowing it's all in vain. We try and console ourselves saying that time is the great physician and a great healer…But passing moments only add to our solitude. Distances only add to the pain and put our strengths to a test thus all our apparent vigor is washed away.
The pain of missing those you love and find close to your heart is an experience never to be experienced, but at the same time this experience tells you the hidden secrets, the deep emotions, the sense of belonging, the responsibility of safeguarding the trust, the aim for which you actually accept this pain, the unruffled feeling of being loved and the sentiment of loving others in its own unique way, no doubt-the toughest one.
Indeed, time has never stopped for anybody nor will it. It has a one common understanding for all of us:"Time waits for none" or does it?
Again we learn to live or honestly we succumb to the circumstances and then what else can we say than-"Life has to move on or is there any alternative!"If there is any let's find out…to overcome this pain of missing my people but,in agony and the guilt of being away, but ,for the dream I weave for my people.

1 comment:

maqbool said...

good post-away from home, about home. you can take yourself out of Kashmir but you can not take Kashmir out of yourself.

